Rocker's Characters: No adult pics!!!!
sexual liking:
Lifestyle: [
Rocker Lifestyle, Dreamer, Aspiring]
Other Info:
username: [
name: Ryo Taikamora
age: 35
gender: male
sexual liking: male
personality: he's pretty cool to hang with and very nice he loves to party he's very charismatic and can get almost everyone, cept drake, into his bed XD
Lifestyle: Rocker
History: He's lived in tokyo pretty much his whole life and he's been in a band since he was 20 and the band is still going strong.
Other Info: considers himself a boyfriend stealer but secretly wants a guy to tame him and he's the lead for the band bullet for my valentine :D
username: [
name: Skylar Love
age: 21
gender: Female
sexual liking: Male
personality: she's outgoing and has a temper so she tends to get into fights and into trouble alot
Lifestyle: Aspiring
History: she just moved to tokyo but the first person she met was Kraven and he's been helpin her to get her foot onto the music scene
Other Info:
username: [
name: Amy Lee Hartzler
age: 21
gender: female
sexual liking: male
personality: she's outgoing and just loves to have fun
Lifestyle: Rocker
History: She's lived in japan for a few months and is usually sought after by dreamers for help
Other Info:
username: [
name: Mana
age: 33
gender: male
sexual liking: straight
personality: he's sorta quiet but can talk alot when he wants to
Lifestyle: Aspiring
History: the band he was in malice mizer disbanded after the death of kami a dear friend he's trying to get a new band together or his old one back whichever he can get first, he's only seen areyun a few times he's always thought she was cute and has even went to broadway to see a few of her shows he hasnt worked up the nerve to say hi to her yet
Other Info:
username: [
name: Gackt Camui
age: 18
gender: male
sexual liking: gay
personality: he's outgoing and always up for some fun and a bit conniving to get what he wants
Lifestyle: Aspiring
History: he left to go to the us to make it big which he did now he's back home to japan to try and make it there. He started seeing James when he was sixteen they've kept their relationship on the down low cause he knows that james isnt ready to tell the world he's bi and gackt is willing to wait til he is. He knows that to keep up the charade james has to "be with" girls so that no one starts wondering and assuming it so he at least once a month he's coming up with a plan to help james get a girl to feel sorry and want to help him feel better. He doesnt worry about James leaving him cause he knows james loves him and that every night, after james comes up with some lie on why she cant stay usually he uses its his roommate's rule, he'll come home to him and his bed
Other Info: he's special lets leave it at that he holds drag shows at least once a month at ryo's club
username: [
Name: Desiree Hetfield-Camui
Age: 5
Gender: female
sexual liking: too young
Personality: she's a very bubbly child and warms up easily to others but can easily turn when she thinks someone is trying to take one of her parents away
Lifestyle: none?
History: she was orphaned at a young age well she was about two she's been in and out of orphanages until the age of five when last month she was adopted by Gackt Camui. She loves gackt, her mommy, as she calls him and she's truly a daddy's girl so she always wants to spend time with James but doesnt understand why he has to be gone a lot or cant stay home with her she doesnt know what he and gackt do.
Other Info: is constantly trying to get james to stay at home and not leave
username: [
name: Drake Black
age: 24
gender: Male
sexual liking: Female
personality: Has a heavy temper, but honestly doesn't care...
Lifestyle: Fucking Rockstar bitches!
History: Is now and always will be that fucking Metal head, he's fallen for someone on Tokya, her name is Skylar, they've been dating for a long, long time. Along with Kraven, he's assiting her in becoming a rockstar Drake is trying to build a new band since his last one collapsed from overdoses' and other shit.
Other Info:
Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]
name:Areyn Sun
sexual liking:bi
e's a little rough around the edges, has a bit of a temper, but is a sweetheart when she wants to be.
History:Her father was in a band as a drummer and she sometimes sang for them, however, the band faded out and she wet on to become an opera singer and Broadway performer. Now, she's trying to make it as a rock star...
Other Info:none
username: [Tis gone but never gone]
name: Dove Min Glass
age: 25
gender: Female
sexual liking: Bi
personality: She's very loving, stubborn, caring and loud. She's kind child-ish at time.
Lifestyle: Rocker
History: Dove is the lead singer and rhythm guitar in a band called 'Three wings'. They called the band that because eveyone in her band are named after birds.Dove has lived in Japan her whole life because her father, who is english, moved to Japan when he met her mother and they married and had Dove. So Dove when to college to study music, she left college with her band and now they play some gigs at clubs around town.
Other Info: Dove is still a virgin XD

username:[Tis gone but never gone]
name: Raven Min
age: 25
gender: Male
sexual liking: Bi
personality: He is a very sweet guy with a big heart, he can be selfish at times.
Lifestyle: Rocker Lifestyle
History: Raven is lead guitar and back in vocals in the band 'Three wings'. Raven has lived in Japan his whole life, and he is Dove's cousin on her mother's side of the family.He went to college with Dove and thats when they met Jay. So now they play some gigs at clubs around town.
Other Info:

username: [Tis gone but never gone]
name: Jay Ember
age: 24
gender: Male
sexual liking: Female
personality: He is kinda shy, dosen't talk much, but he is a very sweet guy.
Lifestyle: Rocker Lifestyle
History: Jay moved to Japan when he left to go to college there, he met Dove and Raven at a mash up at a club, he found out that they went to the same college and they became friends, made a band called 'Three wings'. He is the drumer in the band.
Other Info:

username:[Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]
name:Dero Goi, Andraes Crap, and Robert Flux
age:40, 39,36
sexual liking:Dero:Bi, Anderes and Robert:Straight
personality:Dero is a jockster, but also the business part of the band, Anderes is pretty philicophical and writes the songs, and Robert is kinda inbetween.
Lifestyle:Rocker Lifestyle
History:The band started in !998 with it's selftitled album Oomph! then they disapeered for a little while while they produces another album with Areyn as a background voice in some of the songs... They went on tour threw Germany and then the US, producing more albums until they finally moved to Tokyo and found out that Areyn was here too.
Other Info:Dero is the one in front, Andraes is the one with the hat and Robert is the bald one.
username: [wolvie]
name: Paul Bruce Dickinson
age: 52
gender: Male
sexual liking: Both
personality: a sweet fun loving goofy guy :D
Lifestyle: Rocker
History: singer/songwriter for Iron Maiden, a commercial pilot, and an olympic fencer he moved to japan for a change of scenery
Other Info: he ages slowly and can heal others
someone stole his cookie xD
Username: [wolvie]
Name: James Hetfield
Age: 47
Gender: Male
Sexual likinng: both
Personality: cold at first but is actually sweet and loving
Lifestyle: Rocker
History: Singer/rythm guitarist/song writer of Metallica
Other Info: none

Username: [wolvie]
Name: Nina Dickinson
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexual Liking: Bi
Personality: Alot like her father she's a cute little monkey
Lifestyle: she aspires to be a rocker
History: She's bruce's daughter, she was born with cat tails and ears and is sorta self concious about it since her mother was deeply ashamed of them but she tries to just be like everyone else
Other Info: she's a cat neko

username: [LinkTurrner]
name: Shin Hiroto
age: 17
gender: male
sexual liking: male
personality: He's quite at times
Lifestyle: He's an upcoming rock star
History: He doesnt like to talk about it
Other Info:

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